EPMS 2010 recently supplied a large electro drum magnet 1200mm wide and 1000mm diameter to Morcambe Metals.

The owner James Valey was very pleased with the new magnet saying “That it performed exactly to our quoted specification and is a valued addition to his plant”. This installation was a direct replacement for his old Steinert drum magnet and at a considerably reduced cost.

EPMS have several of these magnet separation units upto 2.2 metres wide and 1.8 metres diameter the weight of a larger magnet is over 12 tonnes.

Dalton Metals Inverkeithing Scotland

EPMS 2010 recently assisted Dalton Metals with service and upgrades to their new shredder plant which has been recently installed.

We supplied Transformer Rectifiers for Drum Magnets along with inspection and testing of various parts of the plant.

We look forward to providing any of our engineering capabilities to assist them in the future
and wish them the best of luck the new business venture.

EPMS upgrade of Substation in the Manchester Area

Over the last August Bank holiday, we completed the removal of a defunkt transformer. We replaced the transformer with a new 11KV transformer. This was completed in within the tight deadline of three days.

We replaced the existing 11KV cable and terminated into the transformer.
All work was carried out by Adrian Powell, Works Director and his skilled team of engineers.

As part of the same installation we also replaced the LV distribution board with a refurbished board and new cabling

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